Wednesday, February 1, 2017

No Class on 02/03/17

I will not be on campus on Friday February 3, so class and office hours are canceled for this Friday.  To make up for the missed class, you should complete the worksheet linked below.  You may work in groups of up to 4 members and turn in one solution set per group.  I will collect your work on Monday February 6.  I will still be available via email on Friday and throughout the weekend.

Out of Class Assignment for 02/03/17

Don't forget that Exam 1 will be in class on Monday February 6.  I will also collect your graded Graph Theory Worksheets 1-4 on Monday.  You can grade your worksheets in the CAS.


  1. Will you be collecting our Exam reviews as well or are those strictly for studying purposes?

  2. I will not be collecting your Exam Reviews. I will post solutions to the review over the weekend.
