Saturday, April 22, 2017

Final Exam Reviews

Reviews for the Final Exam have been posted on the right side of the blog.  We will review Graphing and Finance on Wednesday and Probability and Statistics on Friday.  We will be reviewing Voting on Monday - you should bring both the Voting Review from the Final Exam Review folder and the worksheet title Voting - More Problems from the voting theory worksheet folder for class Monday.

The CAS is offering reviews this week (April 24-27) in Remington 117 from 4pm-6pm.
Monday - Graphing
Tuesday - Probability
Wednesday - Statistics
Thursday - Finance

I have my regularly scheduled office hours this week and students may also join me in Agenstein 123 MW 9-9:50am to review for the final.

Next week (May 1-5) my office hours will be as follows:
Monday, May 1: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Wednesday, May 3: 9:00am - 11:00am
or by appointment


  1. I would recommend going to these reviews. I have gone and with what we did that day I feel more confident in an area that I had trouble with during that section. The reviews are really helpful!!

  2. All of the final exam review worksheets you have posted have been helpful with giving me an idea what I really need to focus on this week. Especially the sample exam. Thank you! --Mickey

  3. The final exam work sheets was really helpful with jogging my memory over the old topics covered in class

  4. The final exam work sheets are very help it gives me an idea on what to expect. And its very helpful when it comes to studying. And the CAS review will be very helpful too.

  5. Will the review paper look just like the actual exam paper? Or will there be a change up from the papers?
    -Adarius Wells

    1. Did our discussion in class help answer this question?

  6. These review worksheets are very helpful for reminding myself how to do past lessons. I am still having trouble with Flurry's algorithem. I'm not sure finding the paths has to do with weights or if it requires using every vertex like the Hamiltonian paths. It might also be about using every edge as Euilor does, I'm working on that now, but everything else is coming back to me.

  7. Is the voting theory part of the final bigger than the other parts-zane bembrick

  8. I cant find the homework for April 28

    1. Look in the Voting Theory Worksheets folder.

  9. The sample test review worksheet has helped me study and get a better idea of what the test will be like. Thanks!


  10. This final review sheets help me a lot to study for final test. Thanks for posting this review sheets.
    -Chan Kyaw

  11. The final review has helped, and so have the old tests. When will we be able to view our final scores?

    -Taylor Gilbert

    1. Final grades will be submitted by Tuesday.

  12. I appreciate this exam review. It has made me feel more comfortable taking the actual final. This final is the one that has made me the most nervous over the semester because math is not my strong suit. Hopefully I have a better chance at getting a better grade now.

  13. overall this course was very stressful and I liked all worksheets right along with the webwork and the blogs, and the study guide review really helped me with the final.
    -Dominique Payne

  14. I went to two of the four tutoring sessions offered by the CAS for the MAT 110 final. I wasn't able to go to the other two because I had to work. However, I felt that the two I went to were pretty helpful in reviewing. I feel that you have provided us with a lot of good material to review for the final. I have enjoyed this class for the most part, which is very surprising for me because I HATE math. I have never enjoyed it and it has always been a subject that I struggled with a lot. However, this course was not all sunshine and happiness-- I found it fairly difficult. However, having a good instructor certainly helps one to understand the material better.

  15. I have looked over the final exam reviews and previous test and they have helped me a lot in preparation for the final! I was wondering how many points the final exam will be and if it is weighted more heavily on our overall grade? Thanks! Hillary Russell

  16. I highly suggest looking at the sample final. It is a good way to visually see some of the questions that will be on there and gives you a lot of combined practice.

  17. You may put whatever you want on your notecard.
